Nation: A notion

Nation: A Notion

A question cropped up what constitutes a nation

Ain’t it a summation of her citizens' notion.

Or is it just a landmass with a border

Within it one can expect a just order.

Where absence of quality of life

Is considered to be one's fate?

Where the politicos make numerous promises

But the poor masses always missed the bus.

Where democracy is just but a vote

Happens in five years, nothing of note.

Where judges lament lack of debate

Cases pile up, and judgements comes about very late.

Where police becomes the fence eating the crop

For the politicians and the criminal serve as a prop.

Where the RTO take bribes and issue licenses to kill

The accident victims cry to the gods and in his chamber stand still.

Where everyone talks of unity in diversity

But stand divided by language, religion, 7caste that is a pity.

Where wealth remains in the hands of a few

Poor have always remained poor and in history you find it to be true.


Where the hues of robes and beards of suitable length sway the masses

Having given up on their senses turned into asses.

Where you need brokers to strike a deal with the One who is within.

Pay your commission to get your job done or wear yourself thin.

Where there is so much obsession with gold

That the medals are OK, bronze and silver and the nation is sold.

Where the followers, leadership they hail

And turn a deaf ear to those who wail.

Where the cities carry air that is toxic, where the rivers flow polluted.

Yet people worship the rivers, their belief is all convoluted.

Where you can find six lined highway for speed

For pedestrians broken foot paths in the city, indeed.

Where the e-commerce promoters gobble up the riches

Between the consumer and the promoter deliver boys make nice sandwiches.

Where the women Gods are given the power

But on the streets, women in fear are made to cower.

Where you have the freedom of speech to praise the nation

If you do otherwise you can be charged for treason.

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